Responsible Management has already served more than 15 companies without charging any fees, but do you know how it came about?
With the new coronavirus pandemic and changes in the country’s economic scenario, companies have had to re-evaluate the need and conditions for offering services, as well as adopting important social responsibility measures in this scenario. And what is the best way for us as an organization to help in this scenario? At the beginning of […]
Suspension and installment payments are the tax authorities’ rules to reduce the negative economic impact of covid-19
O Governo anunciou medidas tributárias visando reduzir os impactos econômicos causados pelo COVID-19 e permitir a manutenção da fonte produtora e do emprego
Home Office in times of coronavirus
Diferentemente do teletrabalho, previsto nos artigos 75-A da CLT, o home office tem caráter transitório e não demanda as exigências previstas em lei. Entenda
Update of the Register of Foreign Capital in Brazil (base year 2018) – Make your declaration
O prazo para entrega das informações ao Banco Central do Brasil (“BACEN”) encerra em 1º de abril de 2019, considerando que o dia 31 de março, prazo original, será domingo.
Bill frees bids without a tax certificate
More modest than most of the code reform proposals already implemented in the country, Bill of Law (PL) No. 406 aims to make changes to 12 articles of the National Tax Code (CTN) to solve frequent problems faced by Brazilian companies in the tax area. Issues such as the release of the Debt Clearance Certificate […]
TJ-SP approves recoveries with large discounts and reduced interest rates
The second instance of the Judiciary has shown itself to be more flexible to the conditions presented in recovery plans. Recent rulings by São Paulo judges have allowed, for example, interest rates of less than 1% per month for payment to creditors and also discounts of more than 50% of the value of debts – […]