The tax transaction revolution in Brazil

Recently, the Federal Attorney General’s Office (AGU) revealed that tax settlements were the mechanism that allowed it to recover almost 43% of the amounts negotiated by the National Treasury Attorney General’s Office (PGFN) in 2023. They amounted to R$20.7 billion of the R$48.3 billion raised by the government agency. This amount is 46.8% higher than […]

Tax reform: tax changes could increase GDP by up to 8% in 10 years, says study

A recent study by Tendências Consultoria points out that, over ten years, reform could add between 4% and 8% to aggregate GDP growth. A basic scenario (with more challenging macroeconomic normalization) and an optimistic one (government recovers political capital and deepens reforms) are taken into account. In a pessimistic scenario (with a crisis of internal […]

PIS/COFINS: CARF approves precedent allowing crediting of “inputs of the input”

The Superior Chamber of the Administrative Council for Tax Appeals (CARF) recently unanimously approved a ruling in favor of taxpayers on the possibility of crediting PIS/COFINS on input expenses in the agricultural phase prior to industrialization. The approved precedent recognizes that “spending on inputs in the agricultural phase, known as ‘input inputs’, allows the right […]

TJSP dismisses collection of ITCMD from person residing abroad

ITCMD de pessoa residente no exterior

The 3rd Chamber of Public Law of the São Paulo State Court of Justice ruled that the ITCMD (Causa Mortis and Donation Transfer Tax) should not be levied on donations of assets located in Brazil when the donors are resident or domiciled abroad. In the case under discussion, the donor has not resided in Brazil […]

Federal Revenue Office extends deadline for signing up to tax debt self-regularization program

autorregularização de débitos tributários

Brazil’s Federal Revenue Service has extended the deadline for adherence to the incentivized self-regularization program for tax debts resulting from exclusions from real profit made in disagreement with the provisions of article 30 of Law No. 12,973/2014. Article 30, which has now been repealed, regulated the treatment of investment grants, establishing conditions and requirements for […]