Tax reform: 14 changes that could impact your business

The Tax Reform has been approved and is now entering a new stage to get the proposed changes off the ground. But do you know what will actually change with the Tax Reform? In this material, we have separated 14 relevant points. Among the main modernizations proposed is the creation of the Value Added Tax […]

Tax reform 2023: context and main pillars

After the Tax Reform was enacted, the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate entered into new stages to implement the proposed changes. To make it easier to understand, we’ve prepared content with the main details that companies should know at this point. Check it out! Background to the Tax Reform The Reform has two main […]

State of São Paulo improves conditions for negotiating outstanding debts

The São Paulo state government has passed a law that improves the conditions for negotiating debts registered as outstanding. The matter was published on November 8 through Law No. 17,843 of 2023. The transaction can be carried out in two ways: By adhesion, when the taxpayer adheres to the terms and conditions established in a […]

Forklift fuel costs generate PIS credits

The 3rd Panel of the Superior Chamber of the Administrative Council for Tax Appeals (CARF) allowed PIS/PASEP credits to be taken on fuel expenses for a rented forklift. The decision went against the ruling of the Ordinary Panel, which had denied the right to the credit since the taxpayer used LPG fuel in a rented […]

STF validates IOF levy on loan contracts involving non-financial institutions

On October 9, the Federal Supreme Court (STF) finalized its ruling on Theme 104 (Extraordinary Appeal No. 590.186/RS), which discussed the constitutionality of article 13 of Law No. 9.779/1999, since this provision provides for IOF to be levied on “credit operations” granted by legal entities not classified as financial institutions. The Court unanimously dismissed the […]

Attorney General’s Office extends deadline for negotiating tax debts with discounts

The Attorney General’s Office of the National Treasury published PGDAU Notice No. 4/2023, extending until December 28, 2023 the deadline for adherence to various negotiation modalities for debts registered as active federal debt. Negotiations include discounts on the value of debts, easy down payments, the possibility of using precatory payments and extended payment terms. During […]

Taxing the super-rich: closed-end funds face tax changes in Brazil

Provisional Measure 1184/23 was published , which provides for income tax to be levied in advance on income from funds closed within the country, the so-called onshore funds. Currently, the income tax rate on closed-end funds is 15%, levied only on the redemption of shares or amortization. The current form of taxation allows investors to […]