Termination of purchase and sale agreement: case of late registration
The 3rd Panel of the Superior Court of Justice (STJ) unanimously upheld the decision of the Goiás Court of Justice (TJ-GO) in a case involving
Additional costs: termination of proceedings for non-payment is undue
In a recent decision, the 3rd Panel of the Superior Court of Justice (STJ) established that the failure of the plaintiff to pay additional costs
Federal Active Debt: PGFN regulates the use of Guarantee Insurance
On Tuesday (31), PGFN/MF Ordinance No. 2,044/2024 was published , regulating the offer and acceptance of guarantee insurance by the PGFN, both for debts registered
Advance on Exchange Contract: creditor can receive before other RJ credits are settled
In a recent decision, the 3rd Panel of the Superior Court of Justice (STJ) ruled that the creditor of an advance on a foreign exchange
STF overturns ITCMD levy on VGBL and PGBL supplementary pension plans
The Federal Supreme Court has ruled that it is unconstitutional to levy ITCMD (tax on the transfer of property or rights) on VGBL (free benefit
Post-mortem stable union: STJ defines jurisdiction for recognition action
The 3rd Panel of the Superior Court of Justice (STJ) has ruled that actions for recognition of a stable union brought against the estate or
TST exempts franchisor from paying franchisee’s labor debts
Tribunal Superior do Trabalho isentou a franqueadora de uma empresa a pagar os débitos trabalhistas de uma franqueada
Lecture on the future of the legal profession attracts students and society to UNIVEM’s noble hall
On September 30, UNIVEM’s noble hall was filled with people interested in the future of the legal profession – from law students to entrepreneurs. The