IPTU exemption 2024: guidelines and criteria

The possibility of applying for exemption from IPTU – Urban Property Tax – is now available for 2024.

The process and deadlines may vary depending on the municipality, which means that those interested need to find out about the legislation in the place where they live.

In order to benefit from the 2024 IPTU exemption, certain objective criteria must be met, as this benefit is intended for the following people:

  1. Retirees, pensioners and beneficiaries of a monthly annuity: you must be over 60.
  2. Permanently disabled pensioners: an official report from the social security agency is required.
  3. People with physical or mental disabilities or serious illnesses under the terms of Federal Law 7.713/1998: an official medical certificate is required.
  4. Beneficiaries of Continuous Cash Assistance (LOAS).

Other requirements to be met by applicants are: I) They must not have a monthly income of more than two minimum wages, II) They must not have any property in their name other than their home and III) They must not have any other source of income or business registration.

How to apply for exemption from IPTU 2024?

To apply for exemption from IPTU 2024, you need to follow a few steps and submit some documents. Check them out below!

1. Fill in an application form, available from the tax department at City Hall.

2. Submit the completed application with the following documents (original and copy):

  • Identity document – RG;
  • Individual Taxpayer’s Register – CPF;
  • Proof of residence;
  • Proof of income from the INSS or Income Tax Return;
  • Property registration or deed (or other document proving ownership);
  • IPTU or registration form;
  • Medical report (in case of illness) and
  • Detailed social security report (in case of disability).

The application must be made annually, even for those who have already been exempted in previous years.

It is essential to comply with all the requirements and deadlines to ensure that the exemption is granted.

If you have any questions on the subject, our tax team will be happy to answer them.


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