Law modernizes management of federal real estate

Gabriela de Ávila Machado
Lawyer at Marcos Martins Advogados

On June 12, Law No. 14.011/2020 was published, with the aim of modernizing and simplifying the process of selling federal real estate that is of no use to the Federal Public Administration.

The law brings some new features in relation to the virtual auction and evaluation methods, and also includes the free expression of interest in the acquisition of federal real estate and the direct sale with the participation of brokers, as well as the sale of real estate in lots.

According to the Secretary for Coordination and Governance of the Union’s Assets, the law makes it easier and brings the possibility “of eradicating the situation of abandoned Union properties that are the target of invasions, depredations and that still have an imminent risk of collapse, putting people’s lives at risk”, in addition to reducing the state’s costs with property maintenance. The forecast is that the sale of so-called “vacant and unused” properties could bring in R$30 billion in revenue over the next few years.

Private individuals will be able to express their interest in acquiring a property using an electronic form.

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