On September 30, UNIVEM’s noble hall was filled with people interested in the future of the legal profession – from law students to entrepreneurs. The partner and founder of the law firm Marcos Martins Advogados, Dr. Marcos Martins, told a little about his career during the lecture “Entrepreneurship in the Legal Profession – The Law of the Future and the Future of the Lawyer” and, during the presentation, he guided those present on how to own or be part of a law firm and what qualifications are needed to achieve their goals.
Dr. Marcos Martins surprised the audience by explaining how Artificial Intelligence will change the course of the legal profession and the tools that are already available. In line with this, he pointed out what professionals should bear in mind for an effective digital transformation. “You need to be culturally prepared for a single purpose and keep the team aligned towards the same goal. Without this collaborative culture, there will be no environment for the project to be carried out. Individual creativity is also essential – creative people certainly develop a company with an innovative culture. And, without a doubt, access to and use of technology, seeking to keep up to date with the times,” he said.
The guest also commented on the structure that Marcos Martins Advogados has consolidated for the perpetuity of the business, advocating that innovative and transformative processes be increasingly included in the firm’s internal activities.
In a summary of the main trends in the legal market, Dr. Marcos Martins highlighted some important points: “Generalist nuclei; Involvement with Big Data; Growth of LawTechs; Artificial intelligence; Change in the mindset of lawyers; Preventive services; and Digital law”.
Addressing the digital transformation taking place in the world, known as the 4th Industrial Revolution, Dr. Marcos clarified the impacts of each of the industrial revolutions. The audience became involved when he presented what the future of the lawyer will look like. According to Richard Susskind, author of the book “The Future of the Professions: How Technology Will Transform the Work of Human Experts”, the professional of the future will be able to work on the following fronts: Document Review; Legal Research; Project Management; Litigation Support; Prediction; Electronic Disclosure; Strategy; and Negotiation.
Access to technology is becoming easier, faster and fairer, and is already causing a revolution in the legal sector worldwide. Here’s the question: Are you prepared for this future?