MAPA launches National Bioinput Program for the use of biological resources in agriculture and livestock farming

Gabriela de Ávila Machado
Lawyer at Marcos Martins Advogados

Published on May 27, 2020, Decree 10.375 and Ordinances 102 and 103 of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply launched the National Bioinputs Program, with a focus on taking advantage of Brazilian biodiversity to “reduce rural producers’ dependence on imported inputs and expand the supply of raw materials for the sector”.

The Program includes a set of actions to develop alternatives for production, with the aim of contributing to the development of new technological solutions, generating income, wealth and quality of life for producers. In other words, the Program “aims to involve not only products, but processes and technologies of biological origin – animal, vegetable or microbial – that bring positive results in the development and response mechanism for these same elements and in derived substances”. According to Secretary Fernando Camargo, the Program has the potential to increase the agricultural area using biological resources by 13%.

The rules published provide for implementation in stages structured along thematic axes such as: “phytosanitary products to control pests and plant diseases; biofertilizers; plant nutrition and tolerance to adverse environmental conditions; veterinary products and products for animal feed, post-harvest and processing of animal and plant origin and aquaculture production”.

Finally, the program provides credit to encourage the adoption of these technologies on farms and by cooperatives. According to the ministry, the promotion “will be done via rural credit in the form of funding, for the acquisition of bio-inputs or investment to set up on-farm bio-factories”.

To find out more about the National Bioinputs Program visit:

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