Marcos Martins Advogados wins DNA+Fenalaw 2022 Analysis Award

The firm won first place in the Management category

Turning lawyers into managers is not simple, but it is rewarding. This has been the firm’s journey, adopting a culture in which its specialists go far beyond technical issues, becoming true partners with their clients. It was this strategy that led the firm to the podium at the Análise DNA+Fenalaw 2022 Awards, winning first place in the Management category.

Founded in 1983 in the city of Marília, in the interior of São Paulo, the firm has built up a long track record of success. In 2000, it opened a branch office in the city of São Paulo, further expanding its area of expertise. “We have always sought appropriate, efficient and sometimes unprecedented legal strategies to solve each client’s needs. To this end, we have created a state-of-the-art structure, ensuring our involvement in deals of great national and international importance. This award shows that we are on the right track,” says founding partner Marcos Martins.

In total, 116 law firms presented 169 projects in four categories: Management, Innovation, Marketing and Technology. The case presented by Marcos Martins Advogados revealed all the firm’s initiatives to offer a unique, integrated and strategic commercial and service experience, stimulating the generation of new business.

According to Camila Machado, head of business development, it was necessary to build a new approach, focusing on business. “By adopting a management model based on governance practices, we trained lawyers and leaders in customer experience, negotiation, prospecting and sales cycle management, carrying out periodic studies with the aim of further improving the quality of service,” she says.

The results came quickly. “We had a 19% increase in cross-selling, 54% growth in new clients, as well as a 39% higher NPS (Net Promoter Score), compared to the same period last year,” says CEO Marcos Amorim, emphasizing that all these achievements were only possible thanks to the hard work and dedication of the entire team.

The award, which was competed for by well-established law firms, validates all of Marcos Martins Advogados’ initiatives, providing external recognition of everything that former clients have already experienced in almost 40 years of practice. “We are maximizing our reach, showing the market all our quality and reinforcing our position among the country’s great legal leaders. Our focus is on continuing to grow with the mission of adding value to our clients,” concludes the founding partner.


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