New record number of M&A transactions in Brazil

Camila Vieira Guimarães
Lawyer at Marcos Martins Advogados

The Mergers and Acquisitions Portal reports a new record number of transactions in Brazil in March/2021, with 159 transactions involving R$ 30.7 billion.

The number of mergers and acquisitions (M&A) operations in Brazil has been growing exponentially since January/2021, especially in the areas of information technology and financial institutions.

Despite the economic crisis caused by the novel coronavirus pandemic, companies are working together to circumvent the effects on their activities. Through M&A, companies carry out business operations to buy and sell companies or shares, which is a way of diversifying their portfolio.

It is important that the M&A is preceded by due diligence, which consists of a set of strategic actions aimed at mapping out the accounting, financial and legal information and conditions of the target company.

Marcos Martins Advogados is attentive to market movements and has professionals and specialist partners who offer strategic solutions to its clients.

Have any questions? Talk to our lawyers and get advice.

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