New Special Installment Program – PEP for ICMS in the State of São Paulo

Angelo Francisco Barrionuevo Ambrizzi
Lawyer at Marcos Martins Advogados

The State of São Paulo released today (November 7, 2019) the ICMS Special Installment Payment Program – PEP, which allows ICMS debts to be paid in installments with a reduction in interest and fines, to encourage the settlement of tax debts.

Taxpayers will be able to pay off their debts, whether or not they are registered as active debt, whose triggering event occurred up to May 31, 2019, in the following ways:

– A single installment, with a 75% reduction in punitive and late payment fines and 60% reduction in interest on the tax and punitive fine;

Up to 60 monthly installments, with a 50% reduction in punitive and late payment fines and 40% reduction in interest on the tax and punitive fine.

This program also makes it possible to settle debts arising from tax substitution in up to 6 monthly installments.

Taxpayers can join the installment plan until December 15, 2019.

The installment plan is a great opportunity for companies seeking tax regularity, whether for issuing a Positive Certificate with Negative Effects (CPEN), or for organizing financial debts with the tax authorities.

Marcos Martins Advogados makes its tax team available to answer questions and advise taxpayers wishing to join the Special Installment Payment Program ( PEP ), including the preparation of studies related to tax liabilities.

Questions? Talk to our lawyers.

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