Normative Instruction allows lawyers to authenticate copies of registrations with the Board of Trade

Jayme Petra de Mello Neto
Lawyer at Marcos Martins Advogados

According to Normative Instruction No. 60, published on April 30, 2019 (IN 60/19), lawyers and accountants will be able to authenticate documents to be registered with the Board of Trade. IN 60/19, published by the National Department of Business Registration and Integration (DREI), follows art. 63 of Law no. 8.394/94, inserted by Provisional Measure no. 876, of March 13, 2019 (MP 876/19), as well as the DREI Registration Manuals, to include provisions regarding the authentication of copies by declaration of the lawyer or accountant.

In this case, the party’s lawyer or accountant (understood here as the professional who signs the application for the act to be registered) will be able to declare the authenticity of copies of documents, by means of a Declaration of Authenticity, the template for which is included in the Normative Instruction, and a simple copy of their professional card.

Provisions regarding the registration of limited liability companies, joint stock companies, cooperatives and EIRELIs have been amended, and lawyers and accountants are allowed to recognize the authenticity of documents such as identity cards, passports and work permits, among others.

It should be noted that although this Normative Instruction came into force on April 30, it does not apply when the original document is requested by the Trade Boards.

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