
Tag: covid-19

Maintaining the home office after the Covid-19 pandemic

President signs bill regulating pregnant women’s return to on-site activities

Adoption of COVID-19 preventive measures helps avoid convictions in the Labor Courts

Ordinance 620/21 of the Ministry of Labor and its consequences in the Labor Courts

Possession repossessions against families are suspended in the pandemic

Chamber approves return of pregnant women to in-person work after immunization against Covid-19

TRT-2 understands that covid-19 can only be considered an occupational disease if it is related to the employee’s activities

Regional Labor Court exempts company from paying fine for paying severance pay in installments

The impacts of the pandemic on the Labor Court

Law orders pregnant women to stay away from face-to-face activities during the pandemic

Pandemic causes search for wills and succession planning to skyrocket

Pandemic accelerates search for succession planning

Search for succession planning has grown during the pandemic

Provisional Measure allows companies to postpone FGTS payments

Possibility of reviewing rental contracts due to the extraordinary rise in the IGP-M index (FGV)

Provisional Measure No. 1,045/2021 changing labor rules in the pandemic

Expectations for the textile industry post-pandemic

Employee who did not prove link between Covid-19 infection and job will not be compensated

Covid-19 effect: Shopping center tenant gets injunction to suspend payment of 13th rent

Labor Prosecutor’s Office Releases Recommendations on Teleworking

Teleworking and the Right to Disconnect

Pandemic has taken companies to court to review contracts

Vaccination against Covid-19 and Employment Relations

Impacts of Covid-19 on Labor Courts – 1 year into the pandemic and the increase in labor lawsuits

Attorney General’s Office publishes conditions for joining the pandemic deal

Vaccination against Covid-19 and Employment Relations

Teleworking and the Right to Disconnect

Debt forgiveness: taxation can be questioned

Reflections of the pandemic on judicial recovery plans

IPOS in Brazil: Cautions when debuting on the stock exchange in the current context

Government publishes technical note on the payment of the 13th salary to employees with reduced working hours or suspended contracts during the pandemic

Court validates individual agreement to suspend food allowance payments during the pandemic

Unjustified dismissal during the pandemic of people with disabilities gives rise to the right to reinstatement

New extension of the Program to suspend contracts and reduce working hours and salaries published

Requests for judicial reorganization fall among medium and large companies

Labor Prosecutor’s Office Releases Recommendations on Teleworking

CVM creates informative website on investments

Precedents and prevailing theses are canceled by the Regional Labor Court of the 2nd Region

TJSP imposes obligation on health plan to pay for covid-19 treatment for insured patient

Impact of Covid-19 on Labor Justice

Law no. 14.020/2020, the Emergency Program for Maintaining Employment and Income, is sanctioned

Bill 1.826/2020 creates compensation for the families of health professionals who have been victims of COVID-19

Contract renegotiations during the pandemic and the new reality of commercial relations

Ordinance 10.470 of August 24, 2020 extends the period of suspension and reduction of working hours for a further 02 months

How the Covid-19 crisis has affected mergers and acquisitions in Brazil

Compliance Programs and Covid-19

Postponement and cancellation of tourism trips and events is regulated with the conversion of Provisional Measure 948

Employers can require employees to return to their offices

Responsible Management Committee: how was the webinar on crisis management and post-pandemic perspectives?

The necessary flexibilization of the benefit of gratuity as a means of access to justice in times of pandemic

Ordinance No. 20 of June 18, 2020 provides guidelines for returning to the workplace due to covid-19

Pandemic reveals opportunities for mergers and acquisitions

Exceptional collaboration measures between competitors

TJSP rulings on the suspension and reduction of commercial lease contracts

How companies can avoid labor lawsuits due to Covid-19

House approves suspension of labor settlement payments until December this year

New ANEEL resolution provides for liquidity injection in the electricity sector

Hearings by videoconference in the Labor Courts

Chamber approves Provisional Measure 944/20, which grants a line of credit to cover the salaries of small and medium-sized companies

TV Câmara Campinas – Tax reform and the covid-19 pandemic.

Bill 1.397/2020 and emergency measures for economic agents

Inclusion of serological tests for infection with the new Coronavirus (COVID-19) in health plans

The limits of interest rates in Brazil

Overview of insurance law in times of pandemic

Growing number of companies in Judicial Recovery amid coronavirus pandemic

International Labor Organization issues guidelines for returning to work during the Covid-19 pandemic

Public Hearing on the revision of accounting and auditing standards

How does tax reform look with the pandemic?

Exceptional Transaction

What are the rights of workers who contract Covid-19? See questions

PGFN establishes rules for joining the new debt negotiation modality

Law 14.010/2020 and its impact on private law

The changes made to Provisional Measure 936/2020 with the publication of Ordinance 10.486 of April 22, 2020

After the chaos in health, will there be chaos in justice?

The Labor Court and the effective use of electronic media due to the COVID-19 pandemic

After the chaos in health, will there be chaos in justice?

Covid-19 and the increase in labor lawsuits

CADE allows collaboration between competitors in times of coronavirus

FGTS payment and Provisional Measure 927

Company’s request for suspension of the effects of the protest of a title granted due to the Covid-19 pandemic

Company in Judicial Recovery may use amounts raised in auctions to maintain its activities during the pandemic

Coronavirus and the decrease in employer cash flow

Digital meetings: the modernization of corporate law

National Mining Agency launches Lavra Plan with actions to minimize the effects of the pandemic and bring security to investors

Securities and Exchange Commission makes it possible to submit Administrative Agreements electronically

Companies that have reached labor agreements can suspend payment of installments for 90 days due to the pandemic, says labor judge

Application of the Differentiated Regime extended during the pandemic

Due to Covid-19, a company in Judicial Recovery has had its obligations suspended for four months

Responsible Management has already served more than 15 companies without charging any fees, but do you know how it came about?

Marília wins committee to help entrepreneurs during the pandemic

Coronavirus in the tourism and entertainment sectors

How to minimize the economic impact of the crisis on companies

Registry offices now offer 100% online deed and power of attorney services

Health insurance coverage for Covid-19 cases – New coronavirus

CVM trials to be held exclusively by videoconference

TJSP accepts request to reduce rent during quarantine period on the grounds of the Theory of Imprediction

The economic crisis caused by COVID-19 and judicial recovery

STF upholds validity of salary reduction agreement between company and employee, but communication to union still required

Does the pandemic situation caused by COVID-19 justify a request for judicial contract review?

Extension of the deadline and payment of taxes by court order