New list of occupational diseases: learn about the impacts

After 24 years of implementation, the list of occupational diseases, a fundamental instrument for identifying and recognizing illnesses resulting from work activities, has undergone adjustments to accurately reflect the health risks emerging in the professional environment. Recently, the Ministry of Health incorporated 165 pathologies into the new list of occupational diseases by means of Ordinance […]

Lula and Biden discuss Uber’s labor situation

In an interview with Automotive Business, Luara Rezende, head of our labor department, commented on the labor situation of Uber drivers. The platform became an issue between the President of the Republic, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, and the President of the United States, Joe Biden, after being condemned by the Labor Court for R$1 […]

House approves suspension of labor settlement payments until December this year

A Câmara dos Deputados aprovou no dia 17 de junho de 2020, uma emenda à Medida Provisória 927/2020 que permite a suspensão do pagamento de acordos trabalhistas, judiciais e extrajudiciais. pelas empresas que tiveram suas atividades paralisadas de forma total ou parcial, pelo poder público durante a pandemia da COVID-19.

What are the rights of workers who contract Covid-19?

Dr. Luara Rezende, a lawyer at the firm, opines in an article on labor rights and covid-19, on the STF’s decision to consider workers’ contamination by coronavirus an occupational disease. The article was featured on the website of the Federation of Workers in the Construction and Furniture Industries of the State of Paraná – FETRACONSPAR. […]