Maxmilhas files for judicial reorganization and blames the crisis on 123milhas, its owner

In an interview with Bloomberg Línea Brasil, Leonardo Ribeiro Dias, head of our litigation, arbitration and insolvency department, commented on the request for judicial reorganization by Maxmilhas, which was acquired in January by 123milhas. With a debt of R$226 million, Maxmilhas wants to stop paying creditors and suppliers for a while, but intends to maintain […]

123 Milhas asks for judicial protection with debt estimated at R$2 billion

In an interview with Valor Econômico, Leonardo Ribeiro Dias, head of our litigation, arbitration and insolvency practice, commented on the online travel and points trading agency 123 Milhas and its request for judicial reorganization. 123 Milhas has suspended the exchange of vouchers that were offered to customers as reimbursement for the suspension of packages and […]

Miles market raises alarm bells for consumers

In an interview with Correio Braziliense, Leonardo Ribeiro Dias, head of our litigation, arbitration and insolvency practice, commented on the online travel and points trading agency 123 Milhas and the possibility of it going into receivership. 123 Milhas suspended packages and the issuing of tickets for its promotional line and took consumers by surprise, rekindling […]

Workers’ vacations and covid-19

o atual cenário do COVID-19 muitas dúvidas surgiram a respeito dos direitos trabalhistas dos empregados e empregadores, principalmente em relação as férias.

Companies in Simples Nacional will benefit from payment suspension [COVID-19]

The Simples Nacional Management Committee, sensitive to the changes that have taken place in recent weeks, has changed the due dates for Federal Taxes for taxpayers opting for Simples Nacional. The changes were made by CGSN Resolution no. 152/2020 and are as follows: I – the March 2020 Assessment Period, originally due on April 20, […]