Vendor Due Diligence: the importance of procedures prior to the purchase and sale of companies
Luciana Magnolo OnofreLawyer at Marcos Martins Advogados When a company acquisition process is considered by the buyer, there is always the concern and recommendation to carry out an analysis and investigation of the company to be acquired (targets), since, based on this investigative process, information is inferred that will be reflected in the entire operation, […]
Health startups receive contributions equivalent to US$ 24 million in October
Giulia Keese MontanhesiLawyer at Marcos Martins Advogados According to the Inside Healthtech Report, a survey by the Dataminer District, 4 companies out of approximately 577 startups focused on the health area in Brazil received amounts and contributions valued at US$ 24 million last month. According to Revista Medicina S/A, the volume represents a 235% increase […]
7 important points about Mergers and Acquisitions
Entenda melhor o que é e por que pensar em Fusões e Aquisições, preparamos uma série com sete pontos importantes sobre esse processo.