STF decision could have an impact of tens of billions of reais for insurers

Angelo Ambrizzi, head of our tax department, spoke to Valor Econômico about the impact of the Supreme Court’s (STF) decision to validate the levying of PIS/Cofins on insurance premiums. The court ruled that PIS and Cofins should not be levied on “revenue other than billing, that is, on the concept of levying taxes on revenue […]

STF to rule on constitutional scope of PIS and COFINS non-cumulative taxation

The article “STF to rule on constitutional scope of PIS and COFINS non-cumulative taxation”, by lawyer Fábio Bernardo, is featured on the Âmbito Jurídico portal. The Federal Supreme Court has included one of today’s most important tax cases on its agenda. This is a discussion on the scope of the constitutional principle of non-cumulative taxation […]