Pandemic causes search for wills and succession planning to skyrocket
An article by Dr. Thais Cordero, published on the Rota Jurídica portal, discusses the increase in demand for succession planning and wills during the Covid-19 crisis. The lawyer highlights the main points of the Family Holding, a recommended form of succession planning. Read the full article here.
An article by Dr. Thais Cordero, published on the Lex Prime portal, discusses the increase in demand for succession planning during the Covid-19 crisis. The lawyer highlights the main points of the Family Holding, a recommended form of succession planning. Read the full article here.
Pandemic accelerates search for succession planning
Thais CorderoLawyer at Marcos Martins Advogados The Covid-19 pandemic is claiming more and more victims in Brazil. Faced with the realization of how perishable life is, more and more people are looking for ways to draw up a will or even family succession planning, in the case of entrepreneurs. The result is that, according to […]
Search for succession planning has grown during the pandemic
An article by Dr. Thais Cordero, published on the Rede Jornal Contábil portal, discusses the increase in demand for succession planning during the Covid-19 crisis. For the lawyer, this is a precaution that every entrepreneur needs to take in order to guarantee the perpetuity of their company and the financial security of their family. Read […]
The creation of a family holding company as an effective means of faster and less costly succession planning
A criação de uma holding familiar é uma das modalidades de planejamento sucessório e um dos meios mais eficazes e econômicos para se realizar a antecipação de herança e preservar a perenidade dos bens.
The importance of succession planning for your company
Tatiane Bagagí Faria
Advogada do Escritório Marcos Martins Advogados