Bill to suspend health plan readjustments

On June 2, 2020, the virtual plenary of the Federal Senate approved Bill No. 1542/2020, authored by Senator Eduardo Braga (MDB/AM), which provides for the amendment of Law No. 13,979/2020, providing for the suspension of the annual price adjustment of medicines and private health care plans and insurance, for a period of 120 days (60 days more than provided for in article 3-A).

STJ to establish thesis to define conditions of funding and coverage for inactive beneficiaries of collective health plan

No fim de 2019, o Superior Tribunal de Justiça (STJ) afetou os Recursos Especiais n.º 1.818.487/SP, nº 1.816.482/SP e n.º 1.829.862/SP para eliminar controvérsia repetitiva descrita no Tema 1.034, a fim de firmar tese sobre discussão relacionada às condições assistenciais e de custeio do plano de saúde que devem ser mantidas aos beneficiários inativos, nos moldes do artigo 31 da Lei nº 9.656/1998.