Carf decision represents tax benefit for sugarcane producers

The article “CARF decision represents tax benefit for sugarcane producer”, by Fábio Bernardo, a tax lawyer at Marcos Martins Advogados, is featured in Nova Cana. The lawyer comments on the decision by CARF (the Higher Chamber of the Administrative Council for Tax Appeals) which authorized a rural producer to benefit from incentivized accelerated depreciation in […]

CARF allows rural producer to use tax benefit

The Superior Chamber of the Administrative Council for Tax Appeals ( CARF) has authorized a rural producer to benefit from accelerated depreciation in relation to sugarcane plantations, which allows for a significant reduction in the calculation of Corporate Income Tax (IRPJ) and Social Contribution on Net Profits (CSLL). The decision in favor of the taxpayer […]

The recent history of Judicial Recovery for Rural Producers

Aos 28 dias do mês de agosto do ano de 2015, uma inovação estava prestes a ocorrer no âmbito da Lei 11.101/2005, já que nascia ali, uma bem sucedida história de pedido de Recuperação Judicial, a do Produtor Rural, onde eram litisconsortes José Pupin Agropecuária e Vera Lúcia Camargo Pupin, Armazéns Gerais Marabá Ltda., Marabá Agroindustrial e Nutrição Animal Ltda., JPupin Indústira de Óleos Ltda., JPupin Reflorestamento Ltda., Marabá Construções Ltda. e Cotton Brasil Agricultura Ltda.