What are the advantages of anticipating inheritance?

In an interview with E-investidor Estadão, Leonardo Cotta Pereira, our firm’s head of corporate affairs, commented on the advantages of anticipating inheritance, given the changes to the ITCMD (Imposto de Transmissão Causa Mortis e Doação) rules with the Tax Reform. When it comes to inheritance, making a living gift to heirs has proven to be […]

Agribusiness and Tax Reform

In an interview with Portal Rural News, Angelo Ambrizzi, our head of tax, spoke about the possible impacts of the tax reform on agribusiness. The expert comments that the tax reform did bring many positive points, but that it still generates legal and economic uncertainty over the vagueness of which rates will be applied to […]

Agribusiness and tax reform

The article “Agribusiness and tax reform”, by Angelo Ambrizzi, head of the tax practice at Marcos Martins Advogados, is featured in Agrofy News. The lawyer comments on the tax reform and the impacts it has had on the agribusiness sector, and explains that the Selective Tax, a tax created with the approval of the reform, […]

Likely increase in ITCMD leads to need for succession planning

The article “Probable increase in ITCMD leads to the need for succession planning”, by Leonardo Cotta Pereira, Head of the Corporate area at Marcos Martins Advogados, is featured in the Estadão newspaper. The lawyer comments that, if the current Tax Reform proposal is approved, there is a serious risk of an increase in the rate […]

Tax reform: what can we expect from the next government?

The article “Tax reform: what to expect from the next government?” by lawyer Angelo Ambrizzi, is featured in the Jurid newspaper. Two days before Brazil’s presidential elections, Angelo writes about possible changes in the tax landscape once the government that will lead the country from 2023 has been defined. Whether it’s an ideologically liberal or […]

Tax reform: what can we expect from the next government?

Angelo AmbrizziLawyer at Marcos Martins Advogados It’s no news that we have one of the highest tax burdens in the world, equivalent to Germany and Canada, but without the public services provided by these countries. For this reason, we need a structural tax reform, i.e. one that designs a new system that guarantees fair tax […]

New tax collection proposal: what are the impacts for companies?

The article “New tax collection proposal: what are the impacts for companies?”, by lawyer TIAGO APARECIDO SILVA, is featured in Campo & Negócios magazine. One of the most recent expected updates is certainly that resulting from the famous tax reform, a project that aims to harmonize a patchwork quilt sewn together by the Federal Union, […]

New tax collection proposal: what are the impacts for companies?

Tiago SilvaLawyer at Marcos Martins Advogados Every new piece of legislation should be celebrated, as there has long been discussion about the need to update certain rules that do not reflect the dynamism and reality experienced today. In this scenario, one of the most recent expected updates is certainly that resulting from the famous tax […]

The problems that the Tax Reform needs to solve

Ângelo AmbrizziLawyer at Marcos Martins Advogados The problems that the Tax Reform proposes to solve are not easy. In addition to the high tax burden to which Brazilians are subjected – one of the highest in the world – we also have complex legislation in this area, which results in laborious and bureaucratic processes that […]

The problems that tax reform needs to solve

Dr. Ângelo Ambrizzi’s article for the LexLatin portal talks about tax reform and discusses the bureaucratic processes involved, including reducing the tax burden. Read the full article