

TJSP decides that ITBI does not apply to the transfer of real estate in corporate developments

São Paulo court rules that interest rates charged by banks cannot be higher than the market average

TJSP recognizes validity of compensation in judicial reorganization

TJSP authorizes execution of contract without signature of two witnesses

Judicial reorganization: TJSP approves Cram Down plan

TJSP defined the illegality of setting a reference value for the collection of ITBI

The exclusion of social contributions from the ISS calculation

Covid-19 effect: Shopping center tenant gets injunction to suspend payment of 13th rent

Ex-spouse must pay rent for staying in joint property after divorce

TJSP relativizes impeniability of property mortgaged as collateral for rural credit bill

The unfairness of refusing to terminate a contract in a promise to buy and sell real estate

O TJSP concedeu pedido de bloqueio de ativos permanentes e futuros do executado, até o limite da execução

TJSP imposes obligation on health plan to pay for covid-19 treatment for insured patient

TJSP disregarded the dissenting vote of the only member of one of the classes in the judicial reorganization process

TJSP data officer appointed

TJSP rulings on the suspension and reduction of commercial lease contracts

TJSP decides that the venal value to be considered in the ITCMD calculation basis is the same as that applied to IPTU

Courts allow judicial deposits to be replaced by guarantee insurance

São Paulo court upholds father’s conviction for emotional abandonment

TJSP rejects attempt to seize debtor’s passport and driver’s license in enforcement action