TST changes calculation of regular overtime reflexes
The Superior Labor Court (TST) changed the understanding of Jurisprudential Guideline (OJ) 394 of Subsection I Specialized in Individual Disputes (SDI-1), which deals with the payment of regular overtime. The original wording considered it to be bis in idem (repeated payment), the increase in overtime habitually worked, with the corresponding paid weekly rest (RSR), for […]
Right to Business” Podcast #10 – Labor relations: the challenges of the home office and new work models
Another episode of our podcast Direito ao Negócio is on the air, with the topic “Labor relations: the challenges of the home office and new work models” In the midst of so many uncertainties in labor legislation after Covid-19 and the new scenario imposed on companies, Sibele Pimenta and Monique Lessa, labor lawyers at Marcos […]
TRT 15 rules out stability for former Cipa member fired after UPI sale
Sibele de Oliveira PimentaLawyer at Marcos Martins Advogados The TRT of the 15th Region upheld the ordinary appeal of a company undergoing judicial reorganization to dismiss the stability claim and rule out the right to a provisional job guarantee for a CIPA member who was dismissed after the sale of the UPI – Isolated Production […]
TST dismisses joint and several liability of company in judicial reorganization
Sibele de Oliveira PimentaLawyer at Marcos Martins Advogados The 5th Panel of the Superior Labor Court upheld the appeal filed by a company undergoing judicial reorganization in the interior of São Paulo against the ruling handed down by the Regional Labor Court of the 15th Region, in which it sought to dismiss the joint and […]
How can the war in Ukraine mature Brazilian agribusiness?
The article “How can the war in Ukraine mature Brazilian agribusiness?” by lawyer Thais Cordero is featured on the AgroRevenda Portal. Even in an unavoidably worrying scenario, we are facing a propitious moment for the sector to mature, based on corporate procedures such as corporate reorganizations and protective measures as strategies for overcoming and continuing […]
LGPD: unprecedented ruling highlights importance of security in processing sensitive data
Sibele PimentaLawyer at Marcos Martins Advogados The LGPD was a real watershed for the corporate world. Since it came into force, the storage, processing and protection of data have become essential actions in companies of all sizes and segments, avoiding irregularities that lead to sanctions and high fines. In a new decision handed down by […]
LGPD: unprecedented ruling highlights importance of security in processing sensitive data
Article “LGPD: unprecedented ruling highlights importance of security in handling sensitive data” by lawyer Sibele Pimenta is featured on the STARTUPI Portal. In a new decision handed down by the TST, a new alert has sounded in the market, bringing to light strict penalties for those who break these rules. Companies that have not yet […]
Business Law Podcast #8 – GDPR and Labor Relations
Another episode of our Business Law Podcast is on the air, with the theme “LGPD in Labor Relations” Check out the comments of Dr. Luara Rezende, coordinator of the Labor practice at Marcos Martins Advogados, on the impacts of the LGPD on labor routines. In today’s episode, the lawyer explains what measures still need to […]
The Importance of Implementing the General Data Protection Law for Labor Purposes in Companies
Artigo fala sobre a LGPD e relações trabalhistas, e fala da importância de analisar os riscos e necessidades de adequações à Lei.
Due diligence and its importance in the labor field
Due dilligence é uma ferramenta essencial à organização empresarial, sendo empregada em diversas áreas e, dentre eleas, na área trabalhista.