TST changes calculation of regular overtime reflexes
The Superior Labor Court (TST) changed the understanding of Jurisprudential Guideline (OJ) 394 of Subsection I Specialized in Individual Disputes (SDI-1), which deals with the payment of regular overtime. The original wording considered it to be bis in idem (repeated payment), the increase in overtime habitually worked, with the corresponding paid weekly rest (RSR), for […]
Portal R7 | Intra-workday break: what changes with the decision of the Superior Labor Court?
In a recent case, the Fifth Panel of the Superior Labor Court limited, until the day before the Labor Reform came into force, the effectiveness of a judicial agreement signed in 2015 between the Labor Prosecutor’s Office and a security company, in the case of a public civil action (ACP) filed by the MPT, with […]
Intra-workday breaks: what changes with the decision of the Superior Labor Court?
All employees hired under the Labor Code (CLT) are entitled to an intra-day break as a rest period so that they can rest or eat during their working hours. In a new ruling by the Superior Labor Court (TST), however, it was made possible for companies to adapt what had previously been agreed to the […]
TST dismisses joint and several liability of company in judicial reorganization
Sibele de Oliveira PimentaLawyer at Marcos Martins Advogados The 5th Panel of the Superior Labor Court upheld the appeal filed by a company undergoing judicial reorganization in the interior of São Paulo against the ruling handed down by the Regional Labor Court of the 15th Region, in which it sought to dismiss the joint and […]
Superior Labor Court allows sale of labor credits
Em recente decisão, o Tribunal Superior do Trabalho impulsionou o mercado de compra e venda de créditos trabalhistas, possibilitando uma maior liquidez ao trabalhador para antecipar seus recebimentos.
TST does not grant Free Justice without effective Proof of Hyposufficiency
A 6ª Turma do Tribunal Superior do Trabalho (TST) julgou improcedente, por unanimidade, o pleito de um Sindicato de concessão do benefício da Justiça gratuita por não haver prova cabal de hipossuficiência econômica.
Superior Labor Court denies validity of discount provided for in collective bargaining agreement
A 8ª Turma do Tribunal Superior do Trabalho (TST) julgou improcedente, por unanimidade, o pleito de um Sindicato com sede em Araraquara/SP, em relação ao desconto das contribuições sindicais dos empregados previsto em normas coletivas.
TST authorizes deduction of amount paid as life insurance from property damage award
Marília Silva de MeloLawyer at Marcos Martins Advogados The 4th Panel of the Superior Labor Court authorized the employer to deduct from the amount of the conviction for material damages, the amount paid exclusively by the company as life insurance, received by the employee’s family in the event of death. For the panel, TST case […]
TST imposes order to pay costs on beneficiary of free legal aid
A 4ª Turma do Tribunal Superior do Trabalho manteve a condenação de uma reclamante ao pagamento das custas processuais, mesmo sendo beneficiaria da justiça gratuita.
TST regulates gradual resumption of face-to-face activities
O Tribunal Superior do Trabalho, editou o Ato Conjunto 316/2020, que institui protocolos para a retomada gradual dos serviços presenciais, sendo observadas todas as cautelas necessárias para a prevenção do contágio da Covid-19.