Tax Transactions make it possible to renegotiate debts with the Federal Government

The Tax Transaction is a mechanism that allows companies to negotiate tax debts with the Federal Revenue Service, obtaining benefits such as a reduction in interest, fines, legal charges, as well as the use of tax credits and tax losses as a way of repaying the debt.

By joining the Transaction, companies have the opportunity to regularize their tax situation in a more advantageous way, compared to paying their debts in full and without negotiation. In addition, the Tax Transaction can offer the following benefits:

  1. Reduction in the total amount of the debt.
    This is because the negotiation can include a reduction in interest, fines and legal charges, which can generate significant savings for companies.
  2. Installment payment of the balance of the debt.
    This allows companies to pay off their debts in installments over up to 120 months, with proportional discounts for cash payments. This possibility facilitates financial management for companies, which can organize their payments according to their financial capacity.
  3. Regularization of the tax situation.
    With fiscal regularity, companies will be excluded from Cadin and will be able to take part in tenders.
  4. Taxcompliance.
    With tax compliance, companies reduce the risk of being inspected by the Internal Revenue Service and penalized for tax irregularities.
  5. Improved company reputation.
    With tax clearance certificates, companies are seen as more credible by clients and business partners.

Objectively, adherence to the Tax Transaction can bring numerous benefits to companies, so it is important that companies evaluate this possibility and seek information from the Federal Revenue Service to understand the procedure for negotiation and what benefits are available.

Click here to find out more about the transaction and its impact on your business.

If you have any questions on the subject, click here and talk to our team of experts.


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