The COVID-19 pandemic has made companies change their workers’ benefits

Paloma da Silva Aguiar
Lawyer at Marcos Martins Advogados

With each passing month, the COVID-19 pandemic brings new changes to the world. In the field of labor relations, there have been countless changes. Clearly, this situation has led to an acceleration in the way work is done through a virtual environment, bringing a “new” model of work, as well as the possibility of a new range of benefits for workers.

It is important to note that the resumption of activities in some companies can take place in two ways: some workers will return physically, with no change to their benefits in themselves, except for changes in the workplace, and other workers will remain in the home office, either permanently or on a staggered basis, but with the need to adapt their benefits.

With an emphasis on workers who will be working remotely, either permanently or on an alternating basis, companies also need to start thinking about adapting their benefits packages to this new reality.

Let’s see. Should a permanent home office worker receive meal vouchers and/or transportation vouchers? The answer is no! These workers should be offered a new, more flexible benefits model, in line with the new reality. In other words, a transportation voucher benefit could be changed to an internet allowance or an allowance to buy furniture, either through a discount or a voucher for direct purchase, with a view to setting up a work environment at home that is suitable for constant use, or through the employer providing the workstation itself. Likewise, the meal voucher would change to a food voucher, and so on.

In any case, companies are also showing great concern for the physical and mental health of their employees, and are beginning to adopt measures aimed at this, providing online classes for distraction and care, such as yoga and meditation. There are also companies considering offering their workers online therapy, in order to prevent isolation of this kind from altering their employees’ mental health in a negative way. Some companies have already started this movement, and it is extremely importantthat there is an open dialogue with employees so that the changes are, as far as possible, thought through together, with a view to the company’s economic prosperity and a healthy working environment, with the provision of a benefits package that suits the new normal.

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